Monday, September 12, 2005


I don't have time to write this fully, but tonight I preached at the Sunday evening service at the church where I've been for the past two years.  After I was done I got a lot of comments, and they weren't just the "nice sermon" or "I enjoyed that one" comments.  One person, whose opinion I respect and who has heard me preach every sermon I've preached at church told me that tonight's was the best one that I had preached.  

I preached on Exodus 14:19-31 where the Israelites go through the water with the Egyptians in pursuit after them.  I'll post my notes later, but I'm curious as to people's comments on two phrases that I keyed in on.

  1. Where there is no way, God makes a way

  2. Instead of asking if God is on our side, we should ask if we're on God's side.


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