Sunday, February 05, 2006

Rodger Nishioka

Rodger Nishioka gets it – he really does.  Rodger is a professor at Columbia Seminary and spoke at the APCE (Association of Presbyterian Christian Educators) meeting yesterday about the challenge of reaching out to the least churched generation in history (my age group, 18-35).  You can read about his comments here

Side note: Rodger will be the keynote speaker at the 2006 Young Adult Retreat being held at Camp Crestfield on May 5th-6th.  


At 10:56 AM, Blogger bj woodworth said...

good social analysis but it is still very attractional, meaning if we build it they will come. if we do ther right kind of worship and set the table just so then young adults will come back to the church. there is no sense of missiology here. i think we need a more radical and fundamental shift in our thinking about what ekklesia/chruch is. it still has a fundamental christendom, church is building and church is worship service model. i like what he had to say and agree with him in his assemsemnt of young adults but he didn't go far enough. i am glad someone like him is speaking at the young adults thing. it makes me more interested in getting behind it. but we need a shift from programming to authentic and organic community development that can be decentralized and not centralized around the worship service or even the church building.

At 11:03 AM, Blogger Brian said...

That's an excellent point. My comment was more directed at the fact that at least he recognized that change was needed but as BJ rightly points out, he's still thinking in a church-growth model where attracting people to worship is the key, rather than a missiological/relational model which seeks to involve people in a community of which worship is one of the activities. But, its a start with an important and influential figure saying "things need to change in the majority of your churches".


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